Heh, yea we went to the park and I sniffed up 'this news' and 'that'. It's no exaggeration that the Sunday Paper (and by paper I mean Park) has a lot to read. There's Grass, Picnic table legs, trees, sticks, pine cones, flowerbeds... even other doggies! WOW! Sure I was a little afraid at first, but hey... remember I'm a really small little fellah who 5 months ago was living in a cage... 24/7/365... so outside stuff is really HUGE! Literally... HUGE! it's sooo big outside.

There's lots of new sounds and smells, and everywhere you look new things... And yea having that thing attached to you hanging around you is really weird... I'm not sure I really like it that much, but then I kept on forgetting it was even there cause there was just so much to see and do...

And then you know what happened?! I heard my favourite sound in thew whole wide world... my DUCKIE! Papi D had snuck it out of the house for me! So Papi S took the leash thing off and they let me play with my duckie!

...but, ok, yea, I really wanted to play with the duckie too but you know the park is so neat. There's so much to do that I'd be running along to my duckie and would forget him because I smelled something interesting, or there was another dog, or BIRDS! WHAT ARE THEY?!?!? They are smaller than me and IMPOSSIBLE to catch! ... but fun to chase anyway... And Grass is funny too cause it tickles me down there... it's a little cold and wet, but the Papi's say in the summer that it's the best feeling on a hot day.. so I guess I'll find that out soon... In the mean time here's some video Papi D took and, hehe that's his voice you hear... he's almost as happy and excited as I am! Today, was a Grrrrreat day!
I loved that ..thanks for sharing ..can't wait to meet him .
If you ever need a baby sitter and Nat is not available you can bring him over. We even have a back yard for him to play in... Princess would love him!!!!!!!
Too darn cute!
birds are smaller than you?? not from what i've seen, you puny little thing...
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