Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An Evening at Pinky's

Papi took me with him to visit Pinky tonight. WHAT FUN! I've never gone out for a visit like this before!

It was cold out so Papi dressed me warm...

Papi carried me in my tote and I looked around at all the snow on the grown and was very happy to be in my coat AND wrapped up in a blanket!

When we arrived I was told to make myself at home and so I had lots of fun looking around Pinky's place.

Senor Pinky made me feel at home and gave me a nice rub.

Papi and I did a little Sofa Surfing (Hey! It's what we do!)

But time goes by soooo fast and then we had to go.

Papi AND Senor Pinky both said that I could come back again.


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