Saturday, January 17, 2009


I guess I know why I didn't feel like eating yesterday...

This morning when Papi S. woke me up I didn't want to eat again. I just wanted to sleep on Papi S's lap and stay warm.

And then all of the sudden.. something weird was happening inside me... I jumped up off the big red couch and ran to my extra bed next to the Papi's desks and then Papi D saw me and grabbed me just in time... well almost.... as he was carrying me to the bathroom I got sick. :-(

This is not nice. I've not been sick since I came home... in fact not since I left... that place...

Papi S. said this was as good a day as any because we are going to see the V-E-T. I don't know what that means, but he said it's good for me to go there and it will help me feel better... He said I might also get to make some new friends. That'd be nice!

I guess I'll tell you how it goes later... in the mean time I finally ate some food cause well I was really hungry.. I hope I don't throw up again. YUCKY!

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